With M-LIFE done for the year I'm wondering about what to do with the blog. I would like to have some regular posting going on, but I want to keep it interesting too.
Thinking about what I find interesting when looking at a magazine I've got an idea! How about a It Worked for Me series? Kind of like the post where I shared a post from Kathy's blog? But, you don't have to have a blog in order to share, you do need to email me with your idea though! bell*lynette@gmail*com (replace the * with a .) I would love it if you could include a picture that I can post along with your idea, but if that isn't possible then just words are great too!
I took one of Kathy's idea and made it my own, more applicable for my older kids, but usable for younger kids as well, I'll share that next week!
You do NOT need to be a member of M-LIFE in order to send me a "It worked for me" post.
If you send a photo you are giving me permission to post that picture on this blog.
Any other questions? Feel free to contact me at the address above!