March 7, 2012

Media Diet {In the Word Wednesday} (From Good Morning Girls)

I am really struggling to keep up on this blog right now, much less In the Word Wednesdays.  But I do feel like they are important, and so I continue on, but this week I'm just linking you up.  I read a lot of Christian Blogs/Sites and come across a LOT of good reads in a week (I'll read one when I have a quick minute, then I'll hop to another one and read that one later... mostly on my phone, and I'm NOT going to type a blog post from my phone), so for now, this In the Word Wednesdays is turning to In The Word [Linked Up] Wednesday. 

The post was called "What's In Your Media Diet?"

I would love for you to leave a comment with the memory verse that you choose and maybe how you work on memorizing that (like do you post it somewhere???)!

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