April 6, 2012

for the MOM you are

These are simple little things.  Things I think we probably already know.  But sometimes we just need a little reminder!

5 Ways To Be a More Productive Stay at Home Mom

April 5, 2012

For the Rested Woman you are

A good read about perfecting the art of REST from the girls at (in)courage!

Do you intentionally take time to rest each week?

What is it that you consider restful?

What hinders your rest?

April 4, 2012

For the BETTER MOM you are

Not sure if I shared this before or if I just thought about it.  Either way, I'm sharing again...

To be a better mom

M-LIFE meeting on Friday

I may not have done anything for spring break, but let me tell you that I've done a LOT on spring break!  Lot's of spring cleaning, reorganizing, organizing, clearing out, dumping out, sweeping up, wiping down... laundry, laundry and more laundry!  Which is why there have been few posts this week.  You'll forgive me though, I just know it!

For the meeting on Friday we are doing photo plaques.  We will be painting them at the meeting and if you want to put a picture on the plaque with mod podge, that will be an option as well (just remember to bring a picture with you).  Can't wait to see all of you non-spring breakers!

April 2, 2012

For the FREE TIME you have

Another fun time waster, you can even do this with the kids!
A virtual photo booth. (free) (click on picture to go check it out)

Found via How About Orange